Hiiii! Man oh man... I am posting late this week because I feel like I've hit the wall in this project. 😭 My goal this week was to finish the floors and we almost have them done. Which is fantastic (!!!) but I'm feeling defeated about finding furniture/decor with all that is going on. I went to Target, Hobby Lobby and the only Homegoods that is open and it was all so picked over... I thought with the challenge being half way over I would have some vision for the room... buuuut I don't. It's fine, which actually means it's not fine but I'm believing I can figure it out! Alright, enough whining let's look at our new floors!
These were the second cheapest vinyl floors Home Depot sold {the whole room for about $200} and I'm so happy with how they look! Also, they were so easy to install! After getting the first row done it was pretty smooth sailing!

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