I am so excited about our new and improved playroom! This was one of the last rooms that needed some love and I'm so excited to be DONE! Last Thursday I was almost crying to Tall Tan Man because there was no way I was going to finish. #dramatic Thankfully, I was able to do some problem solving and get all that needed in time! Here is a quick recap of our playroom update:
This week I wanted to tackle the wall you can see when you walk in our house. I'm a firm believer that rooms can be functional and cute!
The first project I tackled this week was updating the Ikea play kitchen.
I used paint I already had from {levi's dresser makeover} and the backsplash is a pillow sham from Mack's bedding. Overall I spent about $35!!! Gotta love Facebook Marketplace and being resourceful!
Both boys love it {aka fight over it}! I just need to get them some fake food so a whole box of cheerios doesn't get dumped in the sink again. 🙅 I really love green and bronze together!
The last project in the room was this giant DIY letter board ledge.
I used the {tutorial} from Lolly Jane and can't wait to change my sign throughout the year! Although, I'm notorious for never changing my letter boards... There is a good chance this will say Merry Christmas until March! Surely I'm not the only one with this struggle. 😂 Let's do a few before and afters then I'll be done with my Fall 2019 ORC!
annnnd now!
Thank you for following along during this journey! I'm so excited to have completed another One Room Challenge. To see all the other awesome participants click {here}!
Hi friends! October felt like the slowest month in a long time... a slow month where being productive felt almost impossible. I am so thankful for all the kind messages I received about losing my MIL. We are all still in shock and dealing with grief is awful/hard/strange.
I am patting myself on the back for getting another part of this room finished. DIY is definitely therapeutic for me, along with working out and eat a ridiculous amount of cookies. Here is a look back at what I've done:
This week I wanted to tackle the wall in the room that was really a wasted space. Before:
The only part of this wall that was useful was the calendar. I decided I could do better!
The grey shelf is the same shelf that was already on the wall and the chalkboard used to hang vertically on another wall in the room.
So cute, right?! I love this antique chalkboard. The ream of butcher paper came from my Grandad's shop and I've already used it several times!
The hat rack and baskets will hold coloring supplies {all from Hobby Lobby}. Any other Mommas have to have coloring supplies out of reach from their kids? One kid will write on walls and the other one will eat the chalk... #youregoingtomissthis
One more week! I'm semi freaking out because the plan I had all along might be not be working...
Check out all the other amazing rooms of the One Room Challenge {here}!
Hi y'all! I'm giving myself a pat on the back right now because I'm out of town this week... BUT I STILL GOT A POST UP! Pretty proud of myself. Now, it's not as cute as last week:
but I got Levi to help me take pictures to up the cuteness!
This week my goal was to have the bedding for the daybed finished and some art put above it. Check-ish and check!!! I still need to find white pillow covers for the back pillows {this is a common problem in my house 😂} and I'm thinking I need one more throw pillow. I'm wanting a leather looking one to warm up the space some more!
The artwork was a super easy DIY and I love how the wood breaks up the white in the room! I used poster frames from Ikea {found them in the AS IS section}, 2 x 4 x 1/4 board from Home Depot cut the same size as the frame backing, and art is from ETSY printed on engineer paper at Office Depot. I just layered the poster in front of the wood and BAM, playroom art! Only $34 each!
Alright y'all, I can't believe I squeaked that one out! 💃💃💃 Be sure to checkout all the other awesome guest participants {here}!
Woo hoo, one week into the One Room Challenge and things are rocking! Hopefully I'm still saying that during week 4, aka hardest week of the challenge {for some unknown reason}... The best thing about the challenge is how motivated it makes me, because if I am being honest, I love couch sitting and instagram scrolling! 😂
Now our playroom had a couple storage places and I realized that I didn't love our open shelves. My boys have ZERO desire to keep things organized or picked up, which the latter is the battle I chose to pick. We do baskets which I like because it hides the chaos! Can I get an Amen, Mommas?!
and now...
I love how these cubbies have evolved over the years! They are Ikea cubbies that we {wrapped with wood} back in January of 2018. Shout out to Young House Love for the AMAZING idea! Mack looks so tiny in my tutorial post ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
While I am doing flash backs... LOOK AT WHAT THE ROOM LOOKED LIKE WHEN WE MOVED IN 😱!
There was a million pound safe in that closet...
Anyway, back to the cubbies! I decided to take the cubbies up another notch #punintended by adding legs which was easier than expected. 💕
I added more Ikea baskets, a wood bead garland from Hobby Lobby, and some decor I already had. I thought long and hard about having coloring stuff in one of the cubbies but that's a terrible idea. I would end up with some massive murals on our very white walls.
Now I haven't stained the legs yet, because I kind of was liking the contrast! The gallery wall around the TV was one of those things that I went back and forth on as well... Is it going to be too busy? Why do I only have rectangular things? So you know what I did? Just started hammering things up on the wall! That's what you have to do sometimes, GO FOR IT! What's the worse that could happen?
Happy Thursday friends! You can check out the other guest participants {here}! See you next week!