Brother's Nursery + Hunter Green Dresser + Buffalo Soldier
Happy Monday, friends! Its pretty hard to believe I am already 25 weeks pregnant... This pregnancy has been pretty manageable but I keep getting sick! Like 6 colds since CHRISTMAS! I never knew a baby took all of their mom's immune system to protect themselves. You protect yourself baby, but if you could move off my bladder mommy would sure appreciate it.
I have slowly been working on Brother's nursery and might possibly be banned from Hobby Lobby. I really LOVE Hobby Lobby but returning anything can take a lifetime... especially if you are trying to keep your toddler from taking all the stuffed animals/candy/books off the shelves... Last time we were there, Mack found a toy that was a foot-long stick with a hand on the end of it. He was doing so well playing with it, BUT all of sudden I see the stick soar over my head. Thankfully, it clears the workers head as well. If his Dad was there he would have given him a high five because he must have thrown the toy 12 feet without hitting anyone. I was a little mortified and apologized... The worker didn't even know what I was talking about until they saw the toy behind them. Anyone have advice for raising TWO BOYS? Anyone? :)

Working in #2's room has been pretty slow because my brain works pretty slow when I'm pregnant. Or maybe that is all the time now... I was feeling really stumped until our Pastor preached a sermon called Buffalo Solider. You can listen to the awesome sermon {here}. To recap... We all face storms and trials in life. When buffalo hear a storm coming they run towards the storm, unlike cows/sheep who run away. It hit me that I can be such a cow sometimes {and not because I crave Cici's buffet}, but because I try to run from my problems. The sad part is that the storm comes regardless and instead of facing it and growing from it, I try to survive with my head in the dirt. Man oh man, God really has been showing me I can be a strong and confident woman. I don't need to live my life in fear! So anyway, you can see this sermon really spoke to me and now Brother's nursery is buffalo themed. I pray this little man knows how to face storms head on, because those storms will come.
"I have told you these things, so that in me
you may have peace. In this world you will
have trouble. But take heart!
I have overcome the world."
John 16:33
If you watched my instastories a few weeks back then you know I was debating on what to do with a dresser I had been given from Sean's cousin. I love the dresser but I really thought it would be perfect for a girls nursery... So yeah, I was struggling because we are definitely having a BOY! :)
I decided I wanted to jump on the hunter green bandwagon, because who doesn't miss 90's interior design???
I went to Home Depot and got a range of hunter green samples. From the left...
Vine Leaf by Behr
Secluded Woods by Behr
Dark Forest Green by Glidden
Deepest Woodland Green by Glidden
I ended up going with Secluded Woods with a splash of Dark Forest Green.
I got the knobs from Hobby Lobby and of course I can't decide if I love them. That's just how my brain is working right now. I do love the green so that's a win! Brother's changing pad will be on top of the dresser once I get a new cover for it. Tall Tan Man built me the peg board from the left overs we had from {this project}. I'm not totally set on the decor, but I can promise you that the letter board will probably read the same thing for at least 2 months... :)
I am just happy that I got the ball rolling with Brother's nursery! Right now there is a full size bed in the room that will be Mack's once we are ready to move him out of his crib. He climbed out of a pack n' play yesterday so I feel like that transition might be sooner than I want.
If you have any knob ideas or must have buffalo decor please share!!!
Did you sand and prime the dresser or did you just paint over the stain?