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Thursday, December 15, 2016

DIYish Christmas Tree Crate

Heyyy!  I know what you are thinking, how does she already have presents wrapped under the tree?! Just call me an overachiever this year!  ;)  I don't know how it is possible but I am actually done with our Christmas shopping.  That has to be some kind of record.  For the past couple years I have used this galvanized bucket instead of a tree skirt.  

I loved how this looked but it was not the most stable base.  Our tree base was too big for the bucket and I had use 2 x 4s so it would not fall over.  With our little Mack getting into everything this year I knew that an unstable tree could be a disaster...  Then I saw {this} image on pinterest:

 I want that to be my living room...those baseboards {heart eyes emoji} and that couch {Tall Tan Man would murder me for that one}!  At first I planned on building the crate but then I found this one at JoAnn's.  It is a little bit bigger than the normal crates you see which was perfect for the tree.

The crate is normally $30 but I had a 50% off coupon {plus 25% off my total purchase, I really love black Friday}.  I stained the crate with a 50/50 mixture of Minawax Jacobean and Weathered Oak.  I bought a faux fur blanket at Homegoods to cover the bricks in the crate that are weighing down the tree. 

I love how the crate turned out! 

I hope everyone is having a great week!  We are taking Mack to Santa soon and I can't wait to share the photos!



  1. Love the Plaid and the Tree is Beautiful.

  2. Awesome post!!! I have not seen these but really like several of them. What section of the store are they in?

  3. The two times I've bought them they were in the wood section! ❤️❤️

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